
GIF Says It All Really

When my brother and I decided to try and launch another blog about video games, I was reticent, to say the least. Why does the internet need another aspiring games journalist?

The main reason is that I’ve always wanted to make a website about video games, but never really had the gumption, where-with-all, or confidence to go through with it. I was young when I first thought about doing it, I had thoughts of “oh, sites that talk about video games in a critical-but-positive manner are a dime a dozen these days”, “what if I go through with it, invest a bunch of my own time and money into doing it, get domains, a logo, and it ends up going nowhere?” or my biggest reservation “what if I suck at it?” And these are all things that I have and to an extent still do struggle with because, if I needed to want to make it a career in the past, I would let my fear of failure hold me back. And then something happened.

Back in February of 2019, I was still working the night shift at a call center and remembered a thing my brother and I were talking about; he mentioned why I didn’t write or talk about video games in an essay capacity like I tried when I was in college? After hearing all of the myriads of horror stories from friends and acquaintances who tried to get into it (low wages, terrible bosses, and even worse working conditions) I was dissuaded pretty goddamn hard from the thought of writing as a job.

After a few entries and wrestling with some consistency issues on my part plus a global pandemic going down, I managed to go on the current 52-week streak from September 2020 to September 2021. Not only did this get me into the habit of writing weekly as a means of honing my skill and craft, but it also gave me the confidence to decide to go through with this whole wild endeavour that we got cooked up.

Now here I am with just over one year's experience and closing in on 100 written pieces. I am ready for more!

Looking back at the last year and what it taught me, I learned a couple of things. For the last year and a half, I've been learning a lot about myself and writing has helped me organize my thoughts. The next chapter I am embarking on is about organizing my life.

GIF of Shia LaBouef laughing during the movie marathon of his career
Be like happy Shia, don't let your dreams be dreams

I'll go into detail about my plans for this site but in my head, I envision a place to talk about video games like the places I used to visit. A place where like-minded individuals would come to read and write about what they love and content and good conversation was only a couple of reasons to stop by.


Postscript: The articles that I've added here are just a couple of my favourites, and over the weeks and months I'll be republishing the rest of the posts I've written. To see the whole back catalogue check out:!